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Changeover VPN service

Mandatory use of Cisco Secure Client

The VPN service will be changed on 05.08.2024. From this date, for security reasons, it will only be possible to establish a VPN connection with the "Cisco Secure Client" and no longer with other VPN clients.
If you are currently using a different VPN client, you can switch to the Cisco Secure Client now. You can find the instructions for the various operating systems on our overview page.


Changed registration

From August 5, the login to the VPN service will also change. Until now, the login data (account name and password) had to be entered in an input window of the Cisco Secure Client [Screenshot 1].
In future, a website will open in your computer's default browser with a Shibboleth login screen [Screenshot 2]. This is where you will enter your login details from now on.


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If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk