Virtual Mail Domains
Central mail services support the setup und management of virtual mail domains of the kind (domain refers to the part after @. Virtual domain, because no dedicated mailserver is necessary to host these domains.)
Employee- and guest-accounts can be assigend e-mail addresses (aliases) from these domains additionally to their address.
Management of these domains will be delegated to authorized people of the respective institution via the KIM portal.
Information for users
Any employee or guest account can be granted an addtional e-mail address (alias) of the kind. This must be granted by the domain's administrator(s), who can be reached at
You will be informed by e-mail, if an additional alias was added to your account. It can take up to two hours until the alias is fully functional.
Incoming mail to this address will be deliverd to your existing mailbox, which you can access via https.// or by using a mail application of your choice. If you are already reading your e-mail no further configuration is necessary. If you have set up filters or forwarding for your account, they will automatically apply to the new alias as well.
If you want to send mail using the new alias as sender address, you will need to reconfigure you e-mail application.
You can choose the alias as "primary e-mail" via KIM and request an e-mail certifcate for signing and encrypting your communication.
If the domain's administrator revokes an e-mail address associated with your account, it will become invalid immediately (unless it is re-assigned to another account). In this case you should not use the alias as sender address anymore. You will be informed about the revokation by e-mail.
Set up a virtual mail domain
If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk