Employee Account
As an employee at the University of Cologne, your employee account will be generated automatically. You will receive a PKZ (ID number) and a PIN code for activating your employee account. The PKZ number will either be issued you directly when you start work or sent via post to your office address. The PIN number will be sent to your office address separately.
Guest researchers, student assistants, assistant lecturers and external users (in exceptional cases) may apply for an employee account. This requires the approval of the management of the department or institute. Please complete the application form and send this to the RRZK Helpdesk.
Personal-Accounts für Beschäftigte der Uniklinik
Falls Sie an der Uniklinik beschäftigt sind, erhalten Sie nur dann einen Personal-Account der Universität zu Köln, wenn Sie der Medizinischen Fakultät angehören.
Das RRZK erhält automatisiert von der Uniklinik die Daten zu Angehörigen der Medizinischen Fakultät, so dass für diese durch uniKIM ein Account generiert wird. Dieser muss sodann nur noch freigeschaltet werden. Für die hierfür benötigten Zugangsdaten wenden Sie sich bitte an den RRZK-Helpdesk. Dieser kann für Sie auch nachschauen, ob bereits ein Account für Sie generiert wurde.
Ist dies nicht der Fall, wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Herrn Dirk Wildschütz
IT-Koordination Universitätsklinik
Tel.: 0221-478-97278
E-Mail: dirk.wildschuetz@uk-koeln.de
Period of validity
Personnel accounts are generally valid as long as the person in question is employed at the University of Cologne. For personnel hired through the Personnel Administration, renewal is not required, as the Administration automatically transfers the necessary data. Individuals who are not registered with the Personnel Administration or whose contract is not renewed and thus expires, must apply for account renewal beyond the end of their employment themselves - if desired and approved by the institution - since no corresponding data can be delivered to the RRZK. 30 days as well as a second time 7 days before the account expires, an automated e-mail will be sent to the address "accountname@uni-koeln.de" pointing to a required renewal application (PDF,116 kB).
Retired professors and Emeriti
As the university administration keeps retired professors and emeriti for two years after they have reached the retirement age, they automatically keep their employee account as well. Before the end of the two years, you will be informed about the expiration of your account. You will have the opportunity to request an extension of your account - however, always three month before the end of these two years.
If you are employed externally, it can be necessary to send us a written renewal application (PDF,116 kB).
Associate professors and private lecturers
Persons who work on temporary contracts, like private lecturers, have to send a renewal application (PDF,116 kB) to the RRZK for an account extension. They will receive an e-mail reminder when the account is expiring. Under certain circumstances this might be every year.
Contract suspension
Persons who work on temporary contracts (like student and research assistants) and whose contracts are suspended for a time period, for example because of a semester abroad or an internship, have to send a renewal application (PDF,116 kB), signed and stamped by the head of the institute.
Extension after the retirement
Scientific employees can extend their accounts after reaching the age of retirement. In order to extend the contract the employee has to send a renewal application (PDF,116 kB) that is explained and approved by the head of the institute.
Maternity and Parental leave
The account remains activated during maternity and parental leave. It will not be deactivated.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk