Web Commissaries
Faculties' contact addresses for web concerns (for example establishing hyperlinks on central faculty websites)
Allocation of writing permission for central web server:
Establishing hyperlings to central uni websites:
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences
For addresses on the server http://www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/
E-Mail: webmasterwiso.uni-koeln.de
For addresses within the field http://www.uni-koeln.de/wiso-fak/
E-Mail: webmasteruni-koeln.de
Faculty of Law
Andre Borgouns
E-Mail: jura-ituni-koeln.de
Medical Faculty
For addresses on the server http://www.uk-koeln.de/
Staff Department of Corporate Communications and Marketing of the University Hospital Cologne
E-Mail: webmasteruk-koeln.de
For addresses within the field http://www.uni-koeln.de/med-fak/
Press & Public Relations Department of the Medical Faculty
E-Mail: stephanie.wolffuk-koeln.de
Please note: New websites with a medical context have to be requested from the Staff Department of Corporate Communications and Marketing of the University Hospital Cologne.
Philosophical Faculty
Jan Eden
E-Mail: it-philfakuni-koeln.de
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science
For addresses http://www.uni-koeln.de/math-nat-fak/
Dr. Babette Dauborn
E-Mail: Babette.Daubornuni-koeln.de
Tel. (0221) 470-3159
Dr. Peter Held
E-Mail: peter.helduni-koeln.de
Tel. (0221) 470-6103
Faculty of Human Sciences
Webteam Netzwerk Medien
E-Mail: webadminshf.uni-koeln.de
Tel. (0221) 470-4787
Student associations and groups
E-Mail: webmasteruni-koeln.de
Further institutions
For addresses http://www.uni-koeln.de/
E-Mail: webmasteruni-koeln.de
If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk