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Uploading web sites

Web sites that are not based on a content management system (e.g. TYPO3) have to be uploaded to RRZK’s servers for web projects. The upload from a local hard drive to the AFS disk area can be done with an SFTP or SCP client, for example:

  • WinSCP (Freeware, Windows only)
  • Filezilla (Freeware)
  • Cyberduck (Freeware)

Upload/Download using SFTP

The parameter settings are similar for all SSH enabled programs. The server is only accessible within the university network UKLAN, for access from outside please establish a VPN ​​​​​ connection previously.

Remote Host/Server
User ID/Login/Account user name for server account
Access mode SFTP, SCP or SSH
Port 22
Remote Directory/Host Folder Main web server: /afs/
Web project server (for AFS projects, created up to 2018): /afs/
Web project server (for NFS projects, created in 2018 and later): /nfs/projekt/...
Local Directory/Local Folder Directory (on the local PC) in which the web sites are stored

For advanced users: Uploading via network drive and AFS client

For daily or very frequent updates, web sites can be uploaded “directly” with an AFS client. This method is available only for websites on the main web server or older web projects (created in 2018 or before). In this case, no local copy needs to be stored on your computer, as you can work directly with the files in the appropriate AFS directory. Alternatively, a file can be copied to a folder via AFS client.

Before making changes to files, the AFS client has to be installed and configured. When using Windows, the directory of the website needs to be assigned a Windows drive letter. This drive is regarded a local network drive by all programs, e.g. an HTML editor. No information about remote hosts/servers is needed in this case. However, the same account name that would be used for uploading files needs to be used within the local AFS client.

More: Instructions for installing an AFS client for your operating system

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk