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Uninstall (Windows)

Warning: These instructions are valid only for Sophos Intercept X in conjunction with Sophos Endpoint Agent.
The older product Sophos Anti-Virus / Sophos Endpoint Proection / Sophos Endpoint Security and Control does not require a password to uninstall by default. If it does, it has been set by the users themselves or, if applicable, by the institution's IT.
Devices running Sophos Home Premium, on the other hand, are generally managed privately and are neither registered with nor managed by the RRZK.

You can find out which version you are using by right-clicking on the blue Sophos shield with the white S in the taskbar. The item Information shows you everything you need to know.
For example, a white shield with a blue S is a reference to the old Sophos Anti-Virus.

1. Go to Apps and features via Start → Settings → Apps.

2. Find Sophos Endpoint Agent and select Uninstall. You may need to restart your computer to do this.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact the ITCC-Helpdesk