For A Cookie With... #1
Ulrich Lang, Former Director of RRZK
In addition to expanding the IT infrastructure at the University of Cologne, the former director of the RRZK, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Lang, is also known for establishing high-performance computing at the UoC. For this and for many other of his scientific achievements, he was awarded the University Medal of the University of Cologne. In our interview series "For A Cookie With...", he talks to us about how he experienced his time at the RRZK.
Question 1: What changed when you took over as director of the RRZK?
“It was a real upheaval at the time. After my predecessor had retired, the RRZK and the university management agreed that the successor would be a professor. Before that, there was an administrative management. Thus, two perspectives came together at the RRZK: Research and service, which together became an integrated service center."
Question 2: Perhaps one of your greatest achievements was your involvement in the procurement of the CHEOPS high-performance computer. Why was this a particular research focus for you?
“Since CHEOPS has been in existence, many researchers have been able to carry out projects that would not have been possible without a high-performance computer. It is therefore all the more important that research in this area does not stop. A new computer is needed every five to six years, which is the only way research can continue to evolve. The successor to CHEOPS is currently being planned."
Question 3: What positive developments in IT do you notice at the University of Cologne?
"The encouraging thing is that in recent years – especially during the COVID pandemic – the university leadership has understood the importance of IT services. When the COVID crisis started, we were able to maintain services for teaching. By having everything set up in advance, we didn’t have to start from scratch – like many other universities – but were able to hit the ground running."
Question 4: How do you experience the RRZK now?
“I am quite happy that with Stefan Wesner as my successor, we continue to have someone at the helm who comes from a scientific background and who, in addition to service work, also drives research. I am also pleased to see that the feeling of togetherness in the team is very strong. Thus, I also see my award primarily as a team effort. The recognition is due to the entire RRZK, without whose great commitment my achievements would not have been possible.”
Interview Slides
Nächstes Interview:

#2: Irmi Blomenkemper, CISO der Universität zu Köln
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